Let It Go Ukulele Tab (Frozen)

Let It Go (Frozen) 80bpm

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Let It Go Frozen Ukulele Chords Tab – Disney’s smash movie ‘Frozen’ includes some great songs, the most popular would have to be ‘Let It Go’ sung by Idina Menzel.
This arrangement is for 2 ukuleles – one playing the melody and one the chords.
The melody reaches the 7th fret on the first string in the chorus but is mostly contained in the first 5 frets.
Chords Asus4 and Cmaj are easily played altering the existing shapes.
Bm and Bb required the first finger to ‘barre’ over two or three strings and so might present a small challenge.

Let It Go Frozen Ukulele Chords Tab PDF


Let It Go (Frozen) PDF

To read more about ‘Let It Go” click here.


  • Aki Iwata

    Great work! I’ll arrange this for a solo. Thanx a lot!!

    • Chris Day

      Cool Aki – I’m working a solo arrangement as well


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