Writing’s on the Wall Sam Smith Spectre James Bond Uke



 Writing’s on the Wall Sam Smith Spectre James Bond Uke

 A fairly simply arrangement of the 2015 James Bond Theme ‘Writing on the Wall’ recorded by Sam Smith. I have changed the key from F minor down (1 1/2 semitones – 3 frets) to D minor to make it more accessible on the Ukulele.


Melody – this is mainly contained to the top two strings. I’ve had to bring down an octave the first part of the chorus so as not to go above the 12 fret. The last line of the chorus goes back to the ‘correct’ octave.


Chords – straight forward chords – beginners may find the Bb chord a challenge – to avoid having to stop two string with the index finger of the left hand Bb can be played missing out the string nearest the floor.

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