When September Ends (Greenday)

Full Version 100bpm

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Full Version 80bpm

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Full Version 60bpm

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Accompaniment 100bpm

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Accompaniment 80bpm

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Accompaniment 60bpm

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When September Ends Ukulele Chords Tab – rewritten in the Key of F (original in G) to make it more manageable on the Ukulele. Uke 1 plays the melody while Uke 2 fingerpicks the chords. Perhaps the most challenging part of the piece is where Uke 2 is required to ‘barre’ all three strings at the first fret. The stretch from fret 1 to 5 in the chords is okay on smaller ukes (Soprano) but may be harder on Tenor/Baritone models for those with smaller hands.


When September Ends Ukulele Chords Tab PDF

When September Ends PDF

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