Uke Can Do It

Ukulele Strumming Patterns PDF


Ukulele Strumming Patterns PDF – a selection of six of the most usable strumming patterns with ‘play-a-long’ audio tracks. Directions in the audio (as well as the PDF) are included to indicate up and downstrokes. In general – downstrokes are on the ‘downbeat’ ( 1 2 3 4) and upstrokes are on the ‘upbeat’ (the + after the downbeat). There are many different strums and lots of methods of strumming a uke. These examples are to serve a preparatory exercises. Try strumming with what feels comfortable for the right hand first of all then experiment. This could include – thumb – fingers – thumb and fingers together – thumb on the downstrokes and fingers on the upstrokes etc.

To get Ukulele Strumming Patterns PDF click here.

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